National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) founded by Mahatma Gandhi to motivate students towards social activities. NSS is a part of Govt of India that comes under Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. After the independence, the University Grants Commission headed by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan recommended introduction of national service in the academic institutions on a voluntary basis. This idea was again considered by the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) at its meeting held in January, 1950 and after examining the various aspects of this idea and the experiences of other countries in this field, the Board recommended that students should devote some time to manual work on a voluntary basis and that the teachers should also associate with them in such work. In the draft First Five year Plan adopted by the Government of India in 1952, the need for social and labour service for the students of India for one year was stressed. In 1958, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in his letter to the Chief Ministers mooted the idea of having social service as a prerequisite for graduation. He also directed the Ministry of Education to formulate a suitable scheme for introduction of national service into the academic institutions.
NSS Symbol:

- Understand the Community in which they work. ( Adopted village )
- Understand themselves in relation to their Community.
- Identify the needs & Problems in the Community and involve them in problem solving.
- Develop among themselves a sense of Social & Civic responsibility.
- Apply their education in finding practical solutions to individual & community problems
- Develop Competence required for group living & sharing responsibilities
- Gain Skills in mobilizing Community Participation
- Acquire leadership qualities & democratic attitude.
- Develop Capacity to meet emergencies & natural disasters.
- Practice National Intigration.
THE GOAL OF N. S. S. : -
The goal of N.S.S. is to provide education and experience through Community Service. The purpose is to enrich the personality & enhance understanding of students toward the social environment in which they live. It is helpful to students to develop an awareness and knowledge of social reality to have concern for the wealth being of the community to undertake appropriate activities design to tackle social problems and promote welfare.
The main aim of National service scheme is to give extension dimension to higher education and orient about the social problems and needs of villages while Working in NSS. Following are the objectives:
1. N.S.S. emphasize dignity of labour and self-help and need for combining Physical work with intellectual pursuits
2. N.S.S. help volunteers to understand the community in which they are Working
3. N.S.S. volunteer easily identify the need and problem of community and involve him in problem solving process
4. N.S.S. built enough competence reburied for group lining and sharing Responsible
5. N.S.S. volunteers get an opportunity of leadership guiltiest and Democratic attitude
6. N.S.S. plays ritual role in national integration and social harmony
7. N.S.S. provides an opportunity for volunteer permit development Through mass development
Advisory Committee
President : Principal Dr. A. N. Sadale
Secretary : Dr. R. B. Pawar (Programme Officer)
Members :
- Smt. L. D. Shete : Assistant Programme Officer
- Dr. A. S. Vardhan : Assistant Programme Officer
National Service Scheme
Activity 2023-24
Sr. No. |
Date |
Name of activity |
Number of participated Student |
1 |
18/07/23 |
Tree Plantation |
63 |
2 |
14/08/23 |
Cleanliness Campaign |
64 |
3 |
24/9/23 |
Cleanliness Campaign |
63 |
4 |
4/10/23 |
Blood Donation Camp |
37 |
5 |
1/10/23 |
Cleanliness Campaign |
64 |
6 |
5/10/23 |
Ophthalmological Camp |
2000 |
7 |
16/10/23 |
AmrutKalash Rally |
69 |
8 |
13/10/23 |
NashaMukt Bharat Abhiyaan |
61 |
9 |
29/11/23 |
Constitution Day |
63 |
10 |
20/12/23 |
HIV AIDS awarness |
65 |
11 |
22/12/23 |
Blood Test Camp |
50 |
12 |
22/12/23 |
Eassy Writing Competition |
20 |
13 |
1/01/24 |
Sanitation Campaign |
50 |
14 |
03/01/24 |
Blood Checking Camp |
55 |
15 |
03/01/24 |
Guest Lecture |
55 |
16 |
05/01/24 |
Veterinary Camp |
55 |
17 |
5/01/24 |
Contraction of VanraiBandhara |
55 |
18 |
5/01/24 |
HaladiKumkum |
200 |
19 |
6/01/24 |
VisheshShramSanskarShibir, Inauguration |
50 |
20 |
19/02/24 |
Shiv Jayanti |
64 |
Activites 2022-23
Sr. No. |
Activity |
1 |
Mr. D. B.Koli (NaibTehsildar) delivered a speech on the 'Guidance how to register the new voters'. Voter ID and Aadhaar Card Linking Campaign was organized.(Dated 08/08/2022). |
2 |
On the occasion of AzadiKaAmritMohchav, the students and staff of our college sang the National Anthem song. (Dated 09/08/2022). |
3 |
A blood test camp was organized on the occasion of AzadiKaAmritMohachav. By the Rural Hospital, Ajara. (Dated 11/08/2022). |
4 |
A ‘Blood Screening Camp’ was organized in collaboration with Rural Hospital, Ajara. (Dated 18/08/2022). |
5 | A ‘Blood Screening Camp’ was organized in collaboration with Rural Hospital, Ajara. (Dated 18/08/2022). |
6 |
NSS volunteers participated in the ‘Plastic Collection’ drive at the Ramthirth tourism place, Ajara. (Dated 20/10/2022). |
7 |
‘A Rangoli Competition’ event was organized in the college. (Dated 24/09/2022). |
8 |
‘Elocution Competition’ was held on the special day of National Service Scheme. (Dated 24/10/2022). |
9 |
‘Cleanliness Campaign’ activity were conducted at the college premises. (Dated 02/10/2022). |
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Activites 2021-22
Sr. No |
Name of Activity |
Date |
No of Participated Students |
1 |
Organized the cleaning programme in College Campus |
22/1/2022. |
33 |
2 |
Organized cleaning programme in Murude village. |
22/3/2022 |
24 |
3 |
Organized the Yoga early in the morning in residential NSS Camp for seven days. |
22/3/2022 to 28/3/2022 |
24 |
4 |
Organized the repairs of Natural Water Source and Syphon system in mountain in Murude Village. |
24/3/2022 |
24 |
5 |
Organized lecture of Dr R.B. Pawar on Wildfire Awareness NSS special Camp. |
24/03/2022 |
24 |
6 |
Organized Awareness Lecture of Dr. Rashmi Raut on Women Health in NSS special Camp. |
25/03/2022 |
24 |
7 |
Organized the Animal Health Check-up Camp in Murude. |
27/3/2022 |
24 |
8 |
Organized guest lecture of Dr. Dnyanaraja Chighalikar on ‘De-Addiction: Social and Economic development’ under the campaign Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" |
14/5/2022 |
76 |
9 |
Organised lecture of Dr. Vrushali Kelakar on ‘Aids Awareness’ under the campaign Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" |
17/5/2022 |
78 |
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Activities 2020-21
Name of the activity | Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency | Name of the scheme | Year of the activity | Number of students participated in such activities |
Covid-19 Vaccination Programme | Primary Health Center Vatangi | NSS | 2021 | 57 |
Tree Plantation Programme | Ajara Nagarpanchait | NSS | 2021 | 20 |
Workshop on Groundwater Literacy:Life,Existance and Development | Ajara Mahavidyalaya,Ajara | NSS | 2021 | 30 |