Mentor-Mentee Relationship
A mentor is always experienced person, who helps to other individuals (mentee) for their overall development. He serves as a positive role model and worked as a trusted counselor or guide. Mentor can help to mentee for improvement of his or her abilities and skills through various ways by providing guidance. He helps mentee to set educational/career goals and provides encouragement for building self-confidence and self-esteem. Effective mentoring seeks to provide such a presence by establishing a trustworthy relationship between Mentees and Mentor. On the other hand Mentee takes responsibility for keeping in regular contact with mentor and actively participates in the relationship and assesses academic/professional strengths, learning and developmental needs, values and short and long-term career goals.
With this above relationship of Mentor with Mentee our college has been developed a well structured Mentor –Mentee system since last three years under the name Mentor committee. Such Mentor-mentee system worked under Four fold Administrative committees of the college. The system mostly focuses on the need of the students and tries to minimize or to make solutions on the needs. All teachers in the college play very important role as mentor and their work since last three years become one resort for the student (mentee), where one can seek knowledge, guidance and support at all times. The students get more benefit through this Mentor-mentee committee.
In our college the Mentor-Mentee system worked as:
- The teachers in our college as a mentor has been allotted a list of the students.
- The mentor collected documentary questionaries about needs and all the personal and educational information of the mentee through the given format.
- After study and analysis, Mentors focused on the needs of mentee and selected the needy students and updates about the student’s progress.
Mentor-Mentee Committee 2022-2023
Allotment of Mentor to mentee for the year 2022-2023
Sr.No. |
Name of Mentor |
Class |
Roll numbers |
Total |
1 |
Dr. S.T.Naik |
B.A.I |
101 to 145 |
45 |
2 |
Smt.A.B.Mungurdekar |
B.A.I |
146 to 190 |
45 |
3 |
Dr.R.B.Powar |
B.A.I B.A.II |
191 to 215 301 to 320 |
25 20 |
4 |
Dr. S.K.Chavan |
B.A.II |
321 to 365 |
45 |
5 |
Dr.A.S.Ballal |
366 to 382 501 to 528 |
17 28 |
6 |
Dr. A.V.Bachulakar |
529 to 572 |
44 |
7 |
Shri L.G. Mulik |
B.Com I |
601 to 645 |
45 |
8 |
Shri D.R.Mohite |
B.Com I |
646 to 690 |
45 |
9 |
Smt.D.P.Parulekar |
B.Com I B.Com II |
691 to 728 801 to 807 |
38 07 |
10 |
Smt.P.B.Sherekar |
B.Com II |
808 to852 |
45 |
11 |
Smt.A.S. Patil |
B.Com II |
853 to 897 |
45 |
12 |
Shri J.K.Patil |
B.Com II B.Com III |
898 to 925 1001 to 1017 |
28 17 |
13 |
Shri.S.S.Lingoji |
B.Com III |
1018 to 1062 |
45 |
14 |
Shri R.D.Madhale |
B.Com III |
1063 to 1107 |
45 |
15 |
Smt.V.S.Jambhale |
B.Com III B.Sc.I |
1108 to1137 1201 to 1215 |
30 15 |
16 |
Dr. B.M. Mohite |
B.Sc.I |
1216 to 1261 |
46 |
17 |
Smt. M.C. Mangalurkar |
B.Sc.I B.Sc.II |
1262 to 1292 1401 to 1415 |
31 15 |
18 |
Shri. S.B.Sawant |
B.Sc.II |
1416 to 1461 |
46 |
19 |
Dr. V.V. Ajagekar |
B.Sc.II B.Sc.III |
1462 to1480 1601 to 1627 |
19 27 |
20 |
Smt. L.D.Shete |
B.Sc.III |
1628 to 1673 |
46 |
21 |
Dr R. S. Karpe |
B.Sc.III |
1674 to 1719 |
46 |
22 |
Dr. M.R.Thombare |
B.Sc.III M.A.I M.A.II M.Com.I |
1720 to 1736 1801to 1810 1901 to 1905 2001 to 2014 |
17 10 05 14 |
23 |
Shri B. S. Kadwale |
M.Com.I M.Com.II |
2015 to 2046 2101 to 2114 |
32 14 |
24 |
Shri. N.S. Kulkarni |
M.Com.II B.C.A. I |
2115 to 2136 2201 to 2224 |
22 24 |
25 |
Dr. T.R.Kavale |
B.C.A. I |
2225 to 2270 |
46 |
26 |
Dr. K. G. Potdar |
B.C.A. I B.C.A. II |
2271 to 2295 2301 to 2321 |
25 21 |
27 |
Dr. A.N.Sadale |
2322 to 2332 2401 to 2435 |
11 35 |
Mentor-Mentee Committee 2021-2022
Allotment of Mentor to mentee for the year 2021-2022
Sr.No. |
Name of Mentor |
Class |
Mentee-- roll numbers |
Total |
1 |
Dr. S.T.Naik |
B.A.I M.A.I |
101 to 145 1801 to 1807 |
45 07 |
2 |
B.J.Kamble |
B.A.I |
146 to 190 |
45 |
3 |
Dr.R.B.Powar |
B.A.I |
191 to 235 |
45 |
4 |
Dr. S.K.Chavan |
B.A.I B.A.II |
236 to 243 301 to 337 |
08 37 |
5 |
Dr.A.S.Vardhan |
B.A.II |
338 to 382 |
45 |
6 |
Dr. A.S.Ballal |
383 to 402 501 to 525 |
20 25 |
7 |
Dr. A.V.Bachulakar |
526 to 567 |
42 |
8 |
Shri L.G. Mulik |
B.Com I |
601 to 663 |
63 |
9 |
Shri D.R.Mohite |
B.Com I |
664 to 726 |
63 |
10 |
Smt.D.P.Parulekar |
B.Com I B.Com II |
727 to 766 801 to 823 |
40 23 |
11 |
Smt.P.B.Sherekar |
B.Com II |
824 to 886 |
63 |
12 |
Smt.S.B.Kangralkar |
B.Com II |
887 to 952 |
66 |
13 |
Shri J.K.Patil |
B.Com III |
1001 to1063 |
63 |
14 |
Shri R.D.Madhale |
B.Com III |
1064 to1130 |
67 |
15 |
Smt. A.A. Gotkhinde |
M.Com I M.Com.II |
2001 to 2044 2101 to 2130 |
44 30 |
16 |
Dr. B.M. Mohite |
B.Sc.I |
1201 to 1206 1208 to 1233 |
32 |
17 |
Smt. M.C. Mangalurkar |
B.Sc.I |
1234to 1267 |
33 |
18 |
Shri. S.B.Sawant |
B.Sc.I |
1268 to 1288 1290 to 1300 |
32 |
19 |
Dr. V.V. Ajagekar |
B.Sc.II |
1401 to 1433 |
33 |
20 |
Smt. L.D.Shete |
B.Sc.II |
1434 to 1466 |
33 |
21 |
Shri R. S. Karpe |
B.Sc.II |
1467 to 1499 |
33 |
22 |
Dr. M.R.Thombare |
B.Sc.II |
1501 to 1532 |
32 |
23 |
Shri B. S. Kadwale |
B.Sc.II B.Sc.III |
1533 to1540 1601 to 1626 |
08 26 |
24 |
Shri. N.S. Kulkarni |
B.Sc.III |
1627 to1659 |
33 |
25 |
Dr. T.R.Kavale |
B.Sc.III |
1660 to1692 |
33 |
26 |
Dr. K. G. Potdar |
B.Sc.III |
1693 to 1725 |
33 |
27 |
Dr. A.N.Sadale |
B.Sc.III |
1726 to 1753 |
28 |
28 |
Shri. S.S.Lingoji |
001 to 025 026 to 061 062 to 095 |
25 36 34 |