Name of the Activity: B. Sc. II Syllabus Workshop
Day and Date:…
News And Events

19thJan.2024 :Department of English has Organized one day workshop on the Subject ‘…

Department of Geography organized an Alumni Lecture on "Career Opportunities in Geography" by Mr…

Deparement of Science and Environtemental forum organized ' No Vehicle Day' on last Saturaday of…

On the occassion of National Science Day Lecture of Prof. Dr. R. S. Karpe on "Pulses and Millets…

On the occassion of National Science Day Lecture of Prof. B. S. Kadwale on naturopathy is …

Guidance by Smt. Pednekar N. S. on Skill oriented course for B.Sc.II Students

Students taking information in Study Tour at Anna Bhau Ajara Taluka Shetkari Sahakari Sutgirini…

Study Tour of B.Sc.II Physics Students at Anna Bhau Ajara Taluka Shetkari Sahakari Sutgirini,…

On behalf of Mathematics Day 22nd Day 2021 mathematical rangoli exhibition was held. Also Dr.…

The department of library organised a workshop jontly with the chemistry department on "How to…

On Saturday 8th October 2022 campus drive was organised by placement cell of the institution for…

A Guest lecture was organised by Department of Commerce on the occasion of memories of Late Anna…

Shree. Inis Fernandis (teacher, Ajara High school Ajara) inaugurated Wall paper exhibition. He…

On 2nd December 2021 Shree. Krushnat Swati gave a speech on Sanvidhan Day. He explained the…

On behalf of Mathematics Day 22nd Dec 2021 mathematical rangoli exhibition was held. Also Dr…

The Training Programme was inaugurated by Hon. Shri. Ashokanna…

Sexual Harassment Prevention committee organized Gender Sensitization Campaign on 17th September…

On 18th September 2019, death anniversary of the founder member of Janata Education Society,…

Nirbhaya Pathak, Gadhinglaj visited Ajara Mahavidyalaya, Ajara on the occasion of the Teacher's…

The NSS Department of Ajara Mahavidyalaya, Ajara organized 'Fit India Movement' on 29th August…

Yoga Day
21st Jun 2019, NSS and Department of Physical Education and Sports celebrated…

On 28 Dec. 2018 Teachers study forum organised a guest lecture on Cyber Crime and security. Dr.…